Monday, June 7, 2010

Cake Decorating Course 2 Recap

Last week, I completed the Wilton Cake Decorating Course 2! I had an incredible experience learning how to decorate flowers and how to make few new borders as well as the basketweave and crosshatch techniques.

The first class of course 2 was an absolute disaster... it was a good thing I had a sense of humor because from start to finish, it was just ridiculous. We were required to make a 2 layer cake, fill it (with either frosting or a filling) and frost it before class using oval pans that came in the course 2 kit.

I baked the cake, rather uneventfully and made a delicious lemon filling. I fill the cake and attempt to frost it. The crumb coating was just painful-- the frosting kept taking the crust of the cake off. I finally gave up and decided to bring it in to class early so my instructor could fix it.

I pack up my things, put the cake in the carrier and carry it to the car. Even before I get to the car, the top layer goes flying off the cake and smushes against the side of the carrier. At class, my instructor ends up scraping the lemon filling out and throwing frosting on the cake. She was able to get enough frosting on the cake to save it... but neither cake nor frosting wanted to cooperate.

We  learned how to make another type of rose and I was having difficulty with that as well... turns out my tip was welded shut and needed to be pried open. After the tip was opened up, it made things so much better! These were the end result of the roses.


Then, we learned how to cross-hatch, and that went ok... and then came the rope border.... and that was not ok. I was 90% of the way around the top of the cake when half the border decided to fall, and take half the side of the cake with it. I was able to fix it... it was all just too comical at this point. At the end of class, I loaded the cake into the car and go to drive away. I look over at it and realize that the top layer has again slid off the bottom and smashed into the side of the carrier. This cake was just not meant to be... Lucky Danimal was able to enjoy this cake without even having to slice it... I handed him the carrier and the fork and let him dig in!

Final product prior to being demolished:

The rest of the classes were uneventful. I finally caved and bought the Wilton Bake Easy Cake Release spray... it really helps to form a nice, even crust on the cake and reduces the crumbs. I didn't believe it until I tried it! We learned how to make daisies, pansies, daffodils, apple blossoms, violets, mums and primroses.

The last class we learned how to make the basketweave stitch. I find that one kind of fascinating! It took me forever to complete but I had fun (and an aching hand by the end). Course 3 starts this Thursday... I'm taking on gum paste and fondant! I can't wait!

Here is my final cake:






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